Blog Archive

September 18, 2011

Posted Jan. 11 2011, at 9:24 PM

heyya guys..
Im back again today.. i was replying to Nuri just now, and got this idea to find some info on the net...
about our MP3s..
You know how our music in the pc speakers or phone sounds like, right?
but i bet not everyone knows that most of the mp3 we're using are NOT even in the average level of its quality...
now, most musicians would agree to that.. including our mp3 up-loaders blog here... especially in mblog... cause i could tell, that 99% of us here can only upload our best mp3 at 2nd generation/grade quality... even at a 128kbps sound bit... and to top that, our maxis mblog has limited their media upload sizes to 2MB per uploads, so that would force users to use a converter.. making the mp3 quality level drops to 3Rd generation due to its loss during convertion...

urrmm... this will sound very confusing for the non-music integrated brains.. lol
ok.. lemme start again...
when we open up our web browsers on pc and stumble upon a broadcasting site playing our favorite songs... and some of us would actually download(or steal from the page)..mostly we hear them in good quality because its hasn't loss much from their "master" file(the original sound file).
i could bet over 100 of uploaders has an account in or yahoo music just to listen online for free...(then opens up a second tab or a p2p software to search for the songs to download... fact? lol)

Now what we are hearing on a free broadcasting sites are usually NOT the better sound quality as we thought...
most sites like these wouldn't give their best for free... there should be an option for a VIP or paid members if we wanted the most of the site.

Now, a 16 bit sound quality, is usually what we say as CD quality... is the top notch quality that we all could tell. although the size for the media for using a 16 bit data, is a bomb in your hard drive.. lol =j

well thats happens if we use the standard converter in our pc. which happens to be WMPlayer.. or RealPlayer. I know that some of us uses an additional converters too that could be downloaded free on the net.

ok.. with an additional converters, most users would be able to make a high quality sound for their media..(or at lease thats what they say.) by enlarging the bit rate for the media from the CDs.. after a few tries they would end up getting a HUGE amount of size for just 1 lousy song. heres why..
Bit Depth (better known as bit rates)refers to the number of bits you have to capture audio. The easiest way to envision this is as a series of levels, that audio energy can be sliced at any given moment in time. With 16 bit audio, there are 65,536 possible levels. With every bit of greater resolution, the number of levels double. By the time we get to 24 bit, we actually have 16,777,216 levels. Remember we are talking about a slice of audio frozen in a single moment of time.
Now lets add our friend Time into the picture. That's where we get into the Sample Rate.
The sample rate is the number of times your audio is measured (sampled) per second. So at the red book standard for CDs, the sample rate is 44.1 kHz or 44,100 slices every second. So what is the 96khz sample rate? You guessed it. It's 96,000 slices of audio sampled each second.

I got that info from you can drop in the page to understand more about bit depth..

ok.. lets make another test... if we try playing a CD in our pc, did we ever noticed how it sounds out to the speakers? the clarity of a bass guitar, beat and cymbles of the drums are best to use for us to check. and remember.. that sound is a 16 bit audio data.
ok? now, take the same song... and converted to mp3 with an additional software you could find.. and flat them to, like say, a standard 128kbps at 44,1 sample rate. refresh your pc.. and play them.. see how it sounds now? no differences? try them at 44.8 sample rate... or 320kbps.... refresh the pc, play... sounds louder aint it?so does the size.. lol.

now, at certain point, we thought we could get make recordings the same way.. making some videos playing guitar.. but i'll tell ya this..
what ever we use to make that vid, the output sound is plain AAC quality.... yup. not more than a 4th grade mp3. there are ways to make the sound slightly better by using the pc... but we have to separate our recordings of the vid and sound for that... in a standard windows.. we can simply use the movie maker built-in the system... is a lil crappy but its simple to use...
